Mike's area

By mikeprice

Baby sheltering under Dad's Arm

Went to teh Yorkshire Air museum on the way home today to look at aeroplanes!!!

Actually the main reason was that they have one of only a few complete Halifax bombers in existance. My Dad worked on these during the war but I didn't know any still survived. I assumed they had all been destroyed like the Stirlings, after the war. I wanted to see one in the flesh and see what he had been talking about - it would have been good to take him there before he got too ill - but anyway!

If anyone if s out that way (near York) it is worth going to see - they have the whole place set up like a WW2 base and have huts set up as they would have been.

The aircraft are a bit crammed together - mostly in one hanger - hence the Hurricane being under the Halifax's wing - and you can't get close to the ones in the middle (including the Halifax!) but they are worth seeing.

Also got some freaky shots up the back of a jet engine of a Mirage (its French - it won't mind) but chose this one on a split decision!

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