Sad day accompanied by a couple pans of sweet

I walked in our common area to find a bright new, shiny double gas burner sitting on top of our old stove. Awesome! I thought, this will make cooking so much easier. Then I realized, the gas tank was now connected to the burners instead of our old stove. The sad day part is that now our oven is not connected to the gas either, which means no baking at the dorm. :(

The sweet news is, the office has two ovens and is just 5 buildings down the street. However, carrying this two toned cake about three minutes after it came out of the oven, balanced on top of a pan of brownies cooked before it and using my Thai language book as a hot pad made the 5 minute walk seem a lot longer. It worked out though, and we made a bunch of people driving by smile (and stare.)

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