2014 more running needed

By Brianporterrun

Marathon people of 2012

On a cool, crisp, bright morning, 12 of us, preparing for various marathons, set off for an 18 mile run from Great Ecceleston.

Plese don't ask me where we went exactly - I was just following others!

What struck me about this run was not only the size of the group (I can't remember the last time so many of us set off together on a training run), but the reallygood chats we had. People were changing positions withing the group to chat to different people.

At one point I confess I did become quite emotional. You see, when I carry the Olympic Flame there is a distinct possibility it could be at a ridiculously early hour in the morning. Despite this the people I was running with said they would be there to watch. When I suggested they might want to watch at a more sociable hour the answer was "We're coming to watch YOU, so it doesn't matter what time." I am still quite overwhelmed by this reaction.

Thanks to everyone for a lovely run

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