
By Ginny1957

Bright Blue Skies

Earlier today it was overcast, so I took photos of dark clouds looming, but just after mid-day the sun came out for a while, so I thought i would take some more photos of the brighter blue sky with white clouds. It lasted for a couple of hours, and children came out to play on the green, then it went back to being overcase and started to get chilly. Still, amazing weather for February.

Where I live the houses are built around a green. When we moved here we thought it would be an ideal place for our two boys (then 4 and 7) to play and they spent a lot of time playing football etc with their friends, and we could watch them from the house. There were a couple of neighbours who were always complaining about footballs going into their pristine front gardens, but most of them were ok, and just enjoyed the children playing. One couple had only had girls! and the other couple haven't got (or wanted children). I always said that if there was any damage caused to their plants, I would replace them, but they didn't come over to report any.

The trees were planted some years ago now, and in the summer look lovely, it is justlike a small field with trees growing. Unfortunately, the one immediately in front of our house is rather small, as it was pulled around rather too much (as a goalpost) when it was first planted. Still, it still looks very pretty for a while when the blossom comes out, not sure what it is. Will have to find out.

Hope you have all had a good weekend xx

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