
By scharwenka

Clever Mirrors

A series of long but narrow mirrors in this room make it appear that one is looking through slots in the far wall into spaces beyond. Since the room is in a restaurant, it might be that we are looking into the kitchens -- but we aren't!

The place is, in fact, Strada in Oxford. We had very good and long-standing friends to stay for the weekend, and they took us there for dinner.

The menu is here. I started with a shared Aglio Schiacciatella and a Cesto di Pane Misto, served with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. My 'main' was the Bistecca Manzo, a rosemary-marinated ribeye steak, chargrilled to perfection. Delicious. Then we shared a couple of the excellent desserts between the five of us dining.

And we ended up drinking excellent espressos at the G & D's just across the street... Well, not quite "ended up", because we started on a selection of single malts when we got home.

A very good evening out!

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