a little bit of rhubarb

By Puggle

Have you seen...?

Sydney's inner-west residents love their pets.** On any given day, if you perambulate the length of King Street, you will find cafe after cafe filled with both people and their dogs. It's a serious dog-proud, dog-loving community. In addition to the dogs, I've also seen walking on leashes with their owners up the street:
a) cats (with a slightly annoyed look on their face because they know it's beneath their dignity)
b) ferrets
c) rabbits
d) goats.

So when their pet goes missing, the grief-stricken inner-westie plasters the district with posters pleading: "Have you seen my dog Oswald?" "Gone missing on the 25 January," "$1000 reward for Maxxy's return" etc. And you feel sad and wonder how many of the dogs and cats are returned home safely.

This morning I saw this poster, with the owner so proud of their dog. It was a nice variation on the 'missing' theme, and it made me smile. (Even though I'm a fan of big rather than small dogs).

*** I have been resisting the urge to repeat the 'love your pets.....just don't love your pets" line from that 90s film "The Truth About Cats and Dogs."

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