Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

show your age: Febchallenge 20/29

A snapshot of my day (the good bits) and some numbers for today's challenge :/

Today started at 6.30am, with Miss Pink telling me the whole story of the Gruffalo while I sipped tea (thanks Mr Pink) and tried to wake up. At 6.45 I was wearing a plastic bob the builder hard hat, while Dr Pink checked my heart and nurse pink waved her magic wand to make me all better again. (And yes I am still coughing!)

Miss Pink and I went to Edward Bear.We played with a cuddly Miss Piggy and sang and danced lots. "i like Mrs Piggy and singing music, it's my favourite".

Master Pink went to school. "I want to come to Edward Bear Mummy,"

Miss Pink went to Nana and Grandpas for a play. Master Pink came home after to school to play.

First he made hail/rain/sleat in the garden using a watering can and some sand.
Next he painted. I have learnt a very important Mummy lesson. DO NOT leave a nearly six year old alone when painting....however desperate for the toilet you are! When I returned after my comfort break, "the mad artist" which was the game he was playing, had covered the paper, the easel, the floor below the easel, his hands with paint,and smattering and splatterings of paint were on the wall, floor and on the chairs. It was not madebetter when I asked him to help tidy up the small boy covered in paint puts painty paper in bin with very painty hands and then shuts the bin. I then had a bin to clean too!!! Bless him. If it had been Friday, I may have cried, but as it's monday after half term, I managed to smile sweetly and keep calm and suggest that next time we paint, that perhaps we should do so with slightly less enthusiasm!!!

So to conclude; at the grand old age of 35 I'm still learning a heck of a lot, especially about very small people!!!

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