walks with my dog

By mingamo

Another emergency blip. Sorry!!

I know my blips are slowly becoming more and more pathetic but I just have to keep posting something. Blipping has become my one constant! Mum home from respite at four o'clock. At five frantic call from Eoghan's mum who having been to the doctors for asthma related problems ended up being called to the Beatson for an emergency blood transfusion. Instant chaos. They don't "do" crisis well! Sorted it out and at 9 o'clock am waiting for Eoghan to come home from running his mum and sister into hospital. Mum had tried to be really helpful and had emptied dishwasher and put everything away. Unfortunately nothing had been washed. ..... I am now about to drink this glass of apple sours schnapps see if there's anything on tv and if not start this book. Jo him tomorrow is another day.

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