blink and miss

By boxgirl

Bring out the trumpets!!

Well, that's Monday over and done with for another week....
Nothing much to report, just another day, which I'm quite glad of.... sometimes a non event day is just what you need in a life where drama seems to be around every corner....

After work I took Sammy dog to our local park, home of my favourite band stand....
I have been fascinated by this band stand since childhood, I love these sort of structures.
I've never known a band to actually play here, although I suppose one must have at some time...

As we walked through the park I thought about the many memories I have here... memories of my childhood, coming to the paddling pool with my parents... memories of being a teenager at the school across the street and spending lunchtimes here... and memories of bringing my own small children here to enjoy it too......

It's days like this that I realise that our "Honest Toon" is my home and I'll probably never leave it.
No doubt I'll be walking through here as a pensioner remembering bringing Maxi (my last old rough collie) and Sammy Dog here...........

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