wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg


I had an exciting day at work today, lots of running around for meetings and things, and then a lazy afternoon at Villino, half waiting for someone to collect something from me, half just reading my book and drinking tea. This evening was the annual Pancake Day feast at my new boss' house, yum yum yum, and then racing off to small group to look at the book of Jude (in the Bible, not the Obscure).

On Sunday my friend had told me she wasn't coming to church because her husband had had a bit of a bike injury that day, and she had to look after him. I thought 'awww, ouch', and then when I walked into their house this evening I saw him arm in a cast, and thought 'oh, more than just ouch'. Booooo to broken bones.

When I was leaving this evening, he was leaning out the door, still chatting, and it seemed like a pretty cool shot. So here's a GET BETTER SOON post, and MAY THE NEXT 8 WEEKS JUST RACE BY wish.

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