wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg

So yeah...

Today was going to be a good photo day. As I drove home from my job1-job2-lunch-job2-job1-officeworks day I thought 'yeah, I wanna take photos'. But I got distracted by Country House Rescue+the cat+my dinner (oh man, I AM a crazy cat lady), then stuff that had to be done for applying for my next uni thing, the resignation of Kevin Rudd, removing a dead bird and all its feathers from under my parents' bed* and of course arranging my newly purchased stationery. So ooops indeed. Still, all in all it was a good day.

And if you want a smile, to see a fairly regular (but very entertaining) night shift security guard getting to interview a pretty big movie person, watch this video. Nothing groundbreaking, but sweet nonetheless. And (according to Tom and Alex on the radio the morning) the only person to get a hug.

And yes, my little finger does always stick out when I take photos. Otherwise it strays across the lens... Or so I tell myself.

*If anyone can tell me where a cat would find a pre-deaded pigeon in our neighbourhood I'd appreciate it. My sister's cat brought home a hot roast leg of lamb once, but at least that made sense....

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