
By sinddu

Exploring my tiny Island

Today was another of exploring my tiny island. Since returning from London I've been trying my best to look at Singapore from a different perspective. Its hard to put away the image of the sky scrapers, the congested roads, the larger than life malls and the people who sometimes look no different from the person next to them.

It was time to take camera in hand drag along a enthusiastic friend, in my case the lovable cousin for a walk. Fort Canning Park was our destination, the fort was once used by both the British and the Japanese during World War 2. We were very much intrigued by the sally port(The sally port is a small hidden door that leads into or out of a fort, allowing occupants to escape from the fort undetected ) In the ever changing landscape of Singapore it's hard to find monuments that have stood the test of time.

Descending from the Hill we found ourselves at the beautifully lit National Museum. Retaining its Colonial architecture. I tried my best to capture the life of the building.

Today's walk was a walk down memory lane for me, 10 years ago I took this same route for a photography project which I was highly enthusiastic about and it was the only time I got an A grade for Art. It was good to see that not every building in Singapore is replaced by a shiny and tall glass structure.

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