
By sinddu

Through My Window

It may not be much of a view but I do love popping my head out of my window and watch the cars zoom past. Just standing at my window taking in some air is a well loved activity.

Over the years I have perfected the art of staring into blank spaces. Daydreaming even has a cooler name in this day and age, zoning. The window is a perfect place to practise this art. According to the urban dictionary zoning is where you stare at something, completely oblivious to the world around you, and oblivious to the fact that you are staring at something, whilst either thinking about nothing and being in a kind of trance, or being in deep thought.

To the dismay of most of my friends I happen to enjoy being in a state of oblivion just suspended in my thoughts or sometimes the lack of thoughts.

Look not into my mind
Trapped in a maze you may be
Look not into my eyes
Answers I have none
Let the thoughtless float
Float in the whirlpool of nothing

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