A confused genius

By Lez11

Hat addiction

I brought me a new cap today for v-festival later in the year. When i put it on the top of my wardrobe I realised i have a hat addiction, a bit like women have a shoe addition. I didnt even realise that I had so many hats. The picture is just a few of my hats I accumulated over the years. I wonder if there is a group hats anonymous I can join to talk about my addiction. My names Paul and I'm addicted to hats.

I got a bit carried away on twitter last night with the trend #liespeoplealwaystell
generally I don't follow the trends but I couldn't help myself with this one. Some of my favourite ones I tweeted are:

- #liespeoplealwaystell I'm not a bunny boiler #wheresmyrabbitgone

- #liespeoplealwaystell it's not you it's me

- #liespeoplealwaystell I've never done this before

- #liespeoplealwaystell I still love you

How many people do you think have heard those lies?

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