Glory Days...

By emkingcol

Beauty personified

They say parents tend to neglect the middle child when you have three but I personally don't agree with that and if anything, May is the closest of my children to me at the moment.

She is perfect in every way and has the most adorable personality. Of course, she has her moments but with Evie craving constant attention and Elliot refusing to settle each night, she takes it all in her stride and makes no fuss.

She is calm and affectionate but under the surface she is a feisty little character with an appetite for life.

I have a feeling May will go on to great things.

We have gone back to the drawing board a bit with Evie tonight and with some help from a good friend, I think we will crack her soon. I make her sound awful but she's not, she just likes to have attention, even negative attention and that's the bit we are working on. She will be fine.

Elliot will take some breaking. I am writing this whilst he sleeps next to me and the wife is, as usual, in his bed. It's difficult to get the energy to keep putting him back as he has become so used to sleeping in our bed and playing up at a certain time. He won't give in but we will get there eventually.

Ok, child analysis over.

In other news today, I treated myself to an apple pie this evening. Cooked it, got it out the oven and dropped it:( and that's about it...

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