Glory Days...

By emkingcol

The skanket 2

He just gets over chicken pox and bang, a sickness bug hits him. Poor Elliot.

Projectile vomit is not fun and everything tends to get a coating so the wife is frantically putting together a new skanket for him as the other is covered:(

On a positive note, huge improvements today in Evie's attitude/behaviour. The wife went to see her teacher today and was told that her behaviour in school was fantastic and I have always said that as long as the children are good when they are out and at school, then I am not concerned by their behaviour at home. Not sure what I was thinking and with the current circumstances, I might tweak that.! Anyway, a step in the right direction.

Also heard from the same teacher that May has really developed in terms of confidence etc so I really couldn't be prouder of my girls today!

Work is a little hectic for mostly the right reasons. Once again we made mincemeat of one of the giants of the recruitment industry (well respected one as well!) when going head to head to fill a role. Also highly amusing that the candidate we placed came from their website. Those in the industry will be able to work that out!

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