At last, the summer you've all been waiting for...
Yep, in East Lothian it was summer today! In normal summers you'd say it was a 'pleasant' day, but a bit cool. But this year today counts as a scorcher. I even took my jumper off at one point*. For once washing day was well planned, and four loads were washed and dried. Although that did mean venturing out into the back yard where the washing line is which, after 2 months of being ignored in wet weather is positively jungle like.
We managed a quick trip to the beach, foreshortened by the kids deciding to have a swim. In their clothes. And then whining that they were cold.
Early blip today as I'm off for a rare night out tonight in Edinburgh with an old friend. We're off to see Bill Bailey and then for a meal. Wish me luck with parking...
*Ok, it was actually so my daughter could wear it as a dress on the way home while I carried her soaking wet clothes.
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