Break Time

By ElaH

Library Time!

Today i went for my morning jog, which i really love doing... i may look like a complete nonce doing it but the scenery here is lovely and i really feel like i start the day good by doing exercise. I only had one seminar in Descriptive Statistics for Psychology today... it was very dull!

But i did get some work done in the library afterwards :)

I actually managed to memorise the different sections of the brain (the basic sections, not sure i would be ok to do brain surgery any time soon!).... so, from memory, here it is:


Telencephalon - Limbic system (Memory and emotion) and Basal Ganglia (execution of movement - damaged in Parkinsons disease and thats why they suffer resting tremors and inability to walk 'normally')

Diencephalon -
Thalamus (Relays sensory information to the cortex) and Hyperthalamus (eating and release of hormones)


Mesencephalon... for some reason they didn't say much about this in the lectures and i haven't read the chapter of the book on it yet!


Metencephalon - Cerebellum

Myelencephalon - Medulla (Brain Stem)

Oh, and we also have ventricles filled with cerebral spinal fluid.....

I give it a week before i forget all this! :(

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