Glory Days...

By emkingcol


Got my new iphone delivered today as the old one had a faulty battery so the wife plugged it in to the lappy to 'sync' it or some other poxy thing you have to do with these phones. To be honest, i have no interest in clouds, sinking or half eaten fruit and find the whole thing bollocks. All i want is my phone, charged up and ready to use, not all the kerfuffle that goes with it. Thankfully the wife is down with the kids and knows her stuff.

That said, she did leave the phone and lappy next to the poorly boy who was more than happy to yank the lead out and start playing with it. Fortunately May was on hand to save the day as you can see from her face, she knew that Elliot Mummy was in big trouble.

Anyway, no harm done and another ridculously busy day at work. Things are moving extremely quickly in the right direction and we are having to turn business away as we cannot cope at the mo. This, of course, is typical as it will no doubt slow down again at some point and then we will be kicking ourselves that we didnt take certain jobs on. Catch 22 or something!

Right, i have had enough for one day...feet up, TV on.

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