Blow the Trumpet!

He can make an instrument out of anything! In this case, to celebrate Mother Comfort's discharge from the hospital and return to the care home where she currently resides, the Sheepish Contraptioneer made good use of the collection of straws on her lunch tray and created a very effective trumpet! A little heavy on the low notes, perhaps, but you can see in his eyes, the notes note suited him just fine.

I'm stinkin' tired of limbo and tired of being tired, but oh how we did laugh for a bit today. I guess sometimes silly is just necessary. I have to say, Mother Comfort appeared a bit disconcerted at his trumpeting. It did keep her distracted from her list of instructions for a short while. Then she continued....

"and pick me up some shoe inserts on the way home...and I'd like to get one of those cheeseburger pizzas when my tummy is feeling a little better..."

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