
By sinddu


Its that time of the day between daylight and darkness, twilight. I am very fond of this time of the day. Its like a solo dance performance becoming a duet, with sunlight and darkness the intertwined dancers. The wind playing the background score.We bid adieu to the sun and embrace the surrounding darkness. A splash of red soon to be engulfed by the sea of deep blue

It was a day filed with impromptu plans and just like that I found myself at the newly revamped Bishan Park, lets not let our thoughts lead to the massiveness of Hyde Park. Parks in my tiny island are relatively small. I walked aimlessly amongst the joggers, hyper dogs , cyclists and the loud kids trying to outrun each other. Camera out and shooting away, I thought it would be interesting to get a shot from the river. Little did I know that I would be stuck ankle deep in mud. Lets just say it wasn't fun trotting around in mud filled shoes.

All good things must come to an end! I leave awaiting the next twilight.

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