Sisterly Love...

Babysitting the kids tonight while Heather and Stevo was a very interesting evening to say the least. It started wonderfully with Sound of Music educating. Olivia has until now not been exposed to it. However, I thought it was about time! SHE LOVED IT and by bed time she was singing So Long Fare Well I cannot believe after seeing it once she has remembered some of the words! We will be watching it again.

We had some photo fun...this was not the best but certainly the funniest. Its a series and the look on Lily's face gets happier, with Olivia's getting more pained.

Once Olivia was in bed the mission was on to cook Heather dinner for arriving home, whilst having a baby hanging off of me. Lily was tired but would not go to sleep and was very clingy. I thought I was doing fantastically, even managing to sort out cooking 2 types of potato. HOWEVER...just as I thought I had the meal under control, all was on the hob on low, meat in the top oven on low keeping warm; I decided to sit down and give Lily her bottle. She gulped it and was out for the count in 8 minutes - I slowly put her down to bed, went to check dinner to find I had failed to top up the water in the potato pot...uh oh BURNT pot...well ya cant win them all! Luckily the ones in the over were perfect and the pot did shine up well after some elbow grease! Shame about the lingering burning smell lol.

I would like it noted, other than Heather and Steven, NO ONE has managed the feat of getting not only Olivia but also Lily to go to sleep before Heather got in from work! I am proud! Loved the god mother time!

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