
By Meandertall

A rare beast

The SP that is. Having seen many a fine SP on blip it feels a bit odd , but the occassion is appropriate. Worth having a quick comparison to this shot taken on the day Umi arrived 4 weeks ago. My our wee pup has grown. Tomorrow she goes to the shelter. I'll probably blip her in the morning but her time with us is just about done.

Umi followers will recall this blip where she just learnt that at breakfast time you follow the pack. This morning she's learnt to wait at the door for the 2 legger to go first and instantly sits when breakfast is being served, not only that , she waited till her turn, which is last, before diving in. I was impressed.

Just in the last few days she's really been making the connection, asking for cuddles and being polite from time to time. Still loses it completely when the tireds hit, and I dont think she'll be easy for inexperienced owners, but she will be a good un.

Umi Day 27

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