wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg


You know when you wake up and wonder if it's time to go back to bed yet? Well, that time has finally arrived! It's been a good Friday - I had a meeting in the sunshine, left work early (since I'll be going back on my day off next week), bought some new jeans, alienated all my coffee loving friends by posting this rather humorous piece (well I thought it was entertaining, they just took it personally, but then I'm not a coffee drinker), watched tv, updated my CV, and did other exciting things like that. I don't know what other people do with their Friday nights, but mine sure are fun. :D

And one day I will learn to not leave blips until the last minute. Actually today I was pretty good - I did a few more archived blips from my year away! Starting here. It's just today's actual photo that proved difficult. This is a flower on a fabulous felt hat my dad gave me for Christmas a couple of years ago. It's tricky to find the right season to wear it - it's a bit warm for summer, but I tend to forget hats in winter, but I really should wear it more because it's pretty cool! Meant to be hot tomorrow, and I've got uni/work/work/life stuff to get done before I can have any fun. Maybe on Sunday I'll get to the beach for one last swim this season.

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