Red Flash

By RedFlash

Friday - at last

The Golden Fleece, Queens Street, takes its name from the Order of the Golden Fleece worn by Louise XIV. The famous Hope Diamond was rumoured to have been cut from the fleece by local jewellers after it was stolen during the French Revolution.

I like public houses early in the morning when you can see inside them and of course you can see the reflections of the surrounding buildings. It passed the smile test.

But before I took this I took this panorama to help to explain what you were seeing in the reflections on Tuesday 21 February - I can't believe that that was only Tuesday.

The photo is taken standing on Queen Victoria Street

The buildings that you are seeing from left to right are:

One Poultry - inside seen on 23 December 2011

Bank of England Museum - there is an egg outside - see The Big Egg Hunt for more info

Mansion House

St Stephen Walbrook - 23 February 2012

Building used for reflections 21 February note - it is new and empty

Building site where Bucklersbury House once stood

Update: Its Friday, I'm tired. I've nearly consumed the first bottle of tonic - NOT the sort that you drink with Gin and I still have a "frog in my throat" - medieval physicians believed that the secretions of a frog could cure a cough if they were coated on the throat of the patient. The frog was placed in the mouth of the sufferer and remained there until the physician decided that the treatment was complete.


Have a good weekend everyone

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