Life on the Good Intent

By ClydeBorn

Broken Down Angel

Was lost in the past tonight watching the Gerry Rafferty tribute concert on BBC4. Maybe it was my trip to Glasgow yesterday or just seeing how the musicians have aged but it put me in reflective mode. Remembering how we never missed a production at the Citz, I became wrapped in memories of gigs we'd gone to, parties we'd been to and pubs we drank in; our lives were somehow intertwined with those musicians and actors, somehow they were the backdrop to our lives although they never knew us.
All I had were some sunrise shots on my phone as I came upstairs to use the PC, when I saw the angel. She was given to me by my friend Margaret before I left Glasgow. Perhaps the Rafferty family all singing together reminded me of Margaret's large family from Clydebank. The little faceless angel is one of the few ornaments I have and she is there in gratitude to a friend.

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