18 Saughton Mains

By 18saughtonmains

Bench, version 1

Started working with some scaffolding planks gifted by ecodad. Four nice ones are going to mark out the edge of my new potato bed, one has a big crack in it, and one was a strange intermediate length. So that odd one is now the seat for this bench. Version 1 because the supports are pretty shonky and that shed is coming down soon.

Note the mattock: my allotment tool of the season.

I went to see Andy Goldsworthy give a talk at the National Museum of Scotland a couple of weeks ago, where he showed some pictures of recent work. There were a couple of fantastic shots of a fallen elm tree near his fields, each of which had his trademark coloured leaves arranged around the a tear in the fallen trunk. Wonderful.

What reminded me is that I took some notes on my phone which I edited some time back, and when I was on the plot today the phone magically displayed the following phrase of his: "That's why I work outside: you don't know what's going to happen". I guess it was still in the cut-n-paste buffer.

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