A busy day for the twins and myself today. We drove the 12 odd miles to gymnastics to discover that it wasn't on today so instead we went round the shops getting presents for Darrens birthday on Monday, new shoes that Erin needed and bits for Jacks bedroom. Cost a lot more than gymnastics would have!

After lunch we headed over to Seaton to go with Mum and Dad to visit Gran. She's not good, refuses her medication so her alzeimers is worse. She was sat in her room when we got there and apparently hasn't joined the others in the sitting room for a while now. She won't eat and barely drinks. The doctors are having to get involved again. She seemed happy to see us though and the children made her smile. Lovely to see. Managed to get her to eat a couple of tiny bits of cake whilst we were there adn a few sips of water. I also talked her into joining the others in the sitting room. Dad says I'm a bully and that can I go more often. lol. All they get from her lately is attitude and aggression. Alzeimers is such a horrible illness, she isn't our gran anymore, I miss her.

Feel I need to aplogise for my lack of blip mojo at the moment. To be honest my canon has died and with the car just costing a fortune, spending on the bedroom for Jack and setting up my business we just don't have the funds to repair or replace. So I am using my little point and shoot and hating it. I am not happy with the pictures I can take and so no enthusiam in posting them. I do however love this one as it's my beautiful children with their great Grandma and nothing would make it better for me.

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