What a wonderful day to wake up to, the sun shinning and the sky blue. It felt like early summer rather than February.

Was working on Jacks bedroom this morning and then at lunch we met friends and went to watch the first cheer of Lymes new town crier and the goodbye drive past of Lymes lifeboat. We get the new one next week so this is it's last weekend. Quite a few people about to say farewell and thank you to a boat that has helped save over 50 lives in the 14 years we have had it.

Headed down to the beach for a picnic and play for a bit. The children loved being all together with their friends and running around on the sand. Saw this lad bunny hopping on the top of the rocks. Would have made a great picture with my other camera the sky was perfect and the rocks so high and he was looking amazing. But you have this one instead. lol

We headed home before the others as I was hoping to get Jacks room done some more. He asked if he could sleep in there tonight, his bed isn't made yet so it is just a mattress on the floor but he is so excited. Erin not so much, she does not want to sleep away from him, she would rather they have bunk beds and stay sharing but Jack is adament he wants his own room.

So for the first time since they were implanted into my womb as embryos on the 2nd June 2007 my babies are sleeping apart.

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