Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

colour and smiles febchallenge 25/29

We've had such a busy but fun day. The mini pinks are very tired and so am I!

Miss Pink had a very bad night, she was so tired last night, but woke in the night and was up for an hour with a temperature. I was reading the Gruffalo at 4am!

She seemed bright enough not to cry off the party that she had been invited to; so we went to the soft play to see her little friends Jake and Macey and celebrate their third birthdays. Master Pink came along with us as Mr Pink had gone to the beer festival with his friends. Miss Pink was a bit reluctant to go off and play when we first got there, as I think she was still struggling with feeling poorly. But the magic of having her big brother there, seemed to do it's trick and she went off after a little while to play and seemed to be having lots of fun.

After the party we had an hour or so to kill as we were meeting up with some friends for tea in the same part of town. So we went to the pet shop and looked at very cute little bunnies, the birds, and the fishies. The mini pinks now have a big list of future pets that they want! After that we popped into sainsburys....not exciting I know, but it was an opportunity for Master Pink to choose the tableware for his birthday tea and for me to have a heads up on toys he might like for his birthday!! We also bought a pair of new pyjamas for each of them...which turned out to be very fortunate.

We met up with our friends for tea at Frankie and Bennys. The kids love it there as they can quite literally be as loud as they want. Little Miss Pink had had enough by this point I think and would have preferred to be curled up with Peppa and Bunny at home. She made it through dinner though, and straight after the main course, I took her to change into her new pj's so that she could go to sleep and I wouldn't need to disturb her. Just as well as ten minutes into the car journey home she was fast asleep and snoring.

a good, colourful, fun day. Now to bed!

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