Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

Family TIME febchallenge 26/29

Today's Febchallenge is TIME. IT's something I never seem to have enough of. But Master Pink in his very Master Pink way came up with the idea that we would have a "family time" on a sunday afternoon int he same way that they have golden time at school. It's a very cute idea, and it made us set aside some proper time this afternoon to just spend with the mini pinks. It sounds bizarre as we always spend time as a family at the weekend, but it was nice to notice that we were doing exactly that and to spend time focussing on what the mini pinks wanted to do at that moment.

So Master Pink wanted to spend the time playing games together, preferably outside. Miss Pink still isn't right, not exactly ill but not well either, so we thought it was better to play inside so she could still flop on the sofa if she wanted. We played Jenga, then got monopoly out but the mini pinks lost interest too quickly as Master Pink wanted to set it up, and Miss Pink wanted to play shops with the money. So we had some tickling and cuddles, and Mr Pink said he would take them both to the park later. Which he did, and Miss Pink fell asleep in the buggy before they got there. (I stayed behind to attempt to tidy up!)

It's 10.05pm as I write this. Miss Pink is up with me, as she's just been sick. She's playing with Peppa Pig but is full of energy despite coughing a lot. The boys are asleep. It may be a long night ahead of me.

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