Call Me Al.

By callme

Climbing rocks!

As part of the weekend activities we all headed of climbing this afternoon. I think the plan was for it to be a morning start but a slightly later than planned night last night meant that the "meet for breakfast at 9am" option was dropped from the schedule.

Having awoken with just enough time to get up, wake up in the shower, take to paracetamol and get out of the flat the camera was again left behind so another phone shot.

I toyed with the idea of taking a picture from the top of a successful climb, that idea soon was discarded after I realised that the last thing I wanted to do form the top of the climbing wall was take one hand off from the hand holds and look down whilst trying to take a photo.

The other option of taking a photo of other people climbing just provided lots of shots of people's bottoms. Not great Blip material.

So "funny shaped climbing rock" it is then.

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