Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176

Quiet day

I took 10 photos of Elizabeth and Rebecca here. Rebecca didn't take her eyes off Elizabeth once. She loves her big sister! And Elizabeth's rather fond of her too! :) She's started saying "Look at that smile!" because she's heard us saying it.

Rebecca will be 16 weeks old tomorrow. She likes it when you sing to her, make silly faces, stick out your tongue (she sticks hers back out at you), fly her in the air and play peekaboo. So basically she likes the things that most babies like.

She loves to lie on a blanket (on her back or tummy) and chat, watch the telly, roll back and forwards on her sides. And she loves her bouncer.

She gets grumpy when she needs a poo and when she hasn't slept for a while.

She's still sleeping well. She did another 10 hour stint the other day overnight. And in the day, most naps are still 30 minutes but she usually has one long nap at some point.

I haven't taken her to many groups, because there's always something. Like today, she fell asleep 10 minutes before we were due to leave. There's no point in waking her, just to have her grumpy and overtired at the session. We'll try again next week.

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