it's twins...

...on the cactus

look how they're snuggled together... so close it's difficult to imagine how they'll actually be able to open up in full blossom... i have no doubt they will - for that's how nature is - a constant surprise - a complete wonder all the time... which is what makes it so joyous to participate in, isn't it? we might think we have it figured out... but not really. there's always something extraordinary waiting for us - right around the corner... which will simply take our breath away... leave us slack jawed in astonishment - knocking our socks off... as it should be.

it's not meant for us to figure out - i don't believe it was intended to be that way... our wonderful creator takes joy in providing us with beauty - allowing us to observe nature's glorious bounty - like my little cactus. what a treat... a simple treasure to watch the variations of change daily and be grateful for the experience - it makes for...


happy day.....

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