sun sparkles...

...on a white tulip

i borrowed the princess diva's sunbeam today - -

it was a perfect venue i thought - to play around with the white tulips... to see what kind of reflection i might be able to achieve if i sprinkled some water, creating drops - upon the petal blossoms... i held the flower into the light and snapped away - boo! probably not the most sophisticated of ways to get a photograph - or to play with light - yet we learn with what we have... since i don't have any fancy-dancy equipment - only nature's resources at hand - i imagined the sunbeam was a decent effort...

overall - i'm pleased with the result - in my mind anything which sparkles is a good thing - provides pleasure - delight... i actually sort of squealed - it's these simple moments for me that make life good on any given day - when applied to a photograph it's even better - i have no idea if the photo is any good or if anyone will like it - doesn't really matter because it gave me an internal joy - which is what i strive for personally - joy, a white tulip, sun sparkles - a recipe for...


happy day.....

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