Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Tree of sorrow..

They came upon a misty morning, grim determination, more grim the tools of destruction. With hidden faces they declared war with the Brethren, their saws biting deep into our flesh, the weapons of steel covered with the sap of our life blood.

We stood not a chance, no cries did we offer, no anguish, no angry pain, simply the creak of our ages as we fell. Cut and taken away, our stories and voices silenced. No longer do we whisper in the wind, offer shade in the sun, join sky to ground. When Autumn comes no carpet of leaves will we provide, only the barren soil will be under your feet.

I will miss my friends the trees, along the path where the woodsmen have been. Young unknown trees are to be planted.....I will wait and listen for their songs, but I fear they will not sing for some time.

We are part of nature, joined by simple molecules, linked to distant stars and nearby trees. My trees, the ones that are now missing, were sick, some form of Blight, the caretakers of the colleges have cut away the dead wood.

The first new trees are in.........I will introduce myself when I next visit, we will share our stories and when I no longer see them.....well, maybe they will whisper my name!

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