Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

A day of memories formed...

I have always looked at things, not just look....but really seen. I paint and draw, make furniture and generally love creating things.

Some of the best things made are memories. Toady was a good day for that.

A good start to the day, managed to get out with my friends on our cycles, apart from the odd cough, I felt powerful again. I felt alive again, my body responding to every wish that I had of it. Mile after mile we biked in the early Spring sunshine, truly wonderful to be out, I really missed it. We chatted, planned future weekend rides and sped along country lanes.

Once home the house work called, many loads of washing and lots of hanging out to dry.

Back out on a bike, this time my off road, across the Fens. The air was so warm, Skylarks hung in the air invisible, their song ringing out over the flat fields. Life....almost like you could feel it, springing up beneath the old winter grass. This was a lovely day.

I sat and soaked up the sun on the edge of a field before returning home. My stomach was telling me I needed a big meal. I had not taken my camera out and as I sat and waited for the oven to heat up, I looked at our Travel wall. A wall filled with pictures from all over the world, near and far, all memories.

I've always looked, every day, something beautiful to be seen, sometimes you get it on your camera, just gets stored in your head.

I'm glad I get to share some with you all.

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