Men At Work

Meet Dave and Jimmy. I met them today too! How it all began...

A moth, appearing deceased, but still in quite good shape drew my attention. Taking a break, I picked it up along with my camera and planned to take a few photos. But it moved! It appeared to have an injured leg, but otherwise OK, so I decided that it may enjoy a bit of time out in the greenery behind the office instead of in the path of everyone who came in and out of the office.

Around the building my little moth and I went, not expecting to see anyone as we went. Then I met Dave and Jimmy. They seemed to be having a pleasant time working on our heating/cooling system and I busied myself trying to drop the little moth off on a nearby hedge. The moth, however, had grown attached and wasn't letting go of my finger! I felt a little silly as I struggled to get the moth off without hurting it further.

Once the task was complete, I whirled around and said to the gentlemen working away, "and now I'm going to take your picture". The obvious and logical response was, "why?" But they were all smiles and humored me anyway as I explained blipfoto and gave them my blipfoto card.

Hi guys! I hope I remembered your names correctly! Thanks for brightening my day and improving the atmosphere in our workplace!

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