Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

Synchronized Landing

I've given a lot of thought to unity today. The power of working together with a common goal. The team of musicians I work with is small, but so dedicated to the same thing I am, that we can spread our wings and fly together, landing our rhythms at the same time, floating with harmonies that communicate into the hearts of those who join us in song and directly to the heart of God who delights over His creation.

I have a friend who travels to far away places taking her skills and knowledge into remote villages and shares them so that others can grow more independent. She could never do that, except for the unity between she and those back home who help to provide for her needs and care for her when she comes home. She lays down her own freedoms to come and go, in order to set others free from poverty. Unity.

I know an honorable group of men who cut and load wood. They work in harmony with community partners to locate those who are without wood, cold and frightened, right in our own county. Unity, the power of working together with a common goal.

I knew a woman who labored slowly to teach a group of individuals how to change their world, but change did not come easily. It was the simple dedication to simple steps forward that kept an entire community moving slowly and steadily toward independence that made the difference. Patience and a common goal, and change did come.

We think too little of ourselves and the small contributions we can make, one tiny step at a time. It's a waste of life when we can't see how valid the gifts, no matter how simple, that we have received are. But when we join our small talents with those of another and work in unity, even the smallest among us can bring change.

For your entertainment, seeSeagull Riots and Pullin' Crabpots here.and Tamara's World, more fun than a barrel of monkeys today!

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