A year in the Liefe of

By LainieC

These ducks are made for Walking

Not much happening today as we had the travelling hairdresser come to the house to do mums hair.
After lunch ran to get the weekly supplies in for the troops.This included our regular visit to the local farm shop.
First stop the barn to talk to some friendly cows and a host of piglets who were climbing and rolling over each other, like clothes in a tumble dryer.Never realised how easily spooked pigs are .The slightest noise and they squealed, not with delight I might add.
On into the shop and the owner was showing us some large placards she had done of the animals.These she was intending to hang on the walls.Took some pics of her and hubby holding them, in the hopes of using one as my Blip.
Felt a strong need however, to forego the display boards, in favour of these ducks.They were so comical.One decided to leave the safety of the pond area and the others duly followed. It looked like a crowd of children, out on a Sunday school trip ,playing follow my leader.First one leg then the other, ever so cautiouly they climbed over the bottom spar of the fence.
The outing led them across the farm yard and through a fence on the other side into an area where some new building work was going on.Not a place for ducks to linger.
All was soon to be revealed .Inside another barn, there was a grain store. They were pinching a secret supply.Once satisfied, they waddled back to the pond in the exact same order they had gone in.Here we go----first one leg , then the other, cautiously they crossed back over the fence.Their secret was safe with us.Their expedition was over for the day,apart from one who apparently got lost and arrived back at the pond some minutes later.
"Run Donald run!!"
Maybe this was the 'odd duck out.'

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