
So I know I know I know I need to backblip- but you know what things ARE getting on top
Of me I will finally admit- so I will get round to it but will blip daily here on in, otherwise it just gets worse!

Today was mania! Call late last night from Toni, her Dad may or may not have been going to Middlesbrough for his heart procedure - so I said I'd be on standby today to go film his speech; a plan I had revealed to her after finding out he could come- the plan that also turned into him being allowed home today; so many changes = emotional madness! The plan today turned into loads of confused phone calls then finally at 2ish a call to say - get to the hospital they are defo airlifting him to Middlesbrough very soon (no fast or dodgy driving followed?!?)

Got there and the consultant was wonderful and had found out I had 25mins to spare !! So speech in the can - laptop software sorted and Projector acquired for the speech to be broadcast at the reception! Phew - Mr Ffinch will be in great hands and get fixed but how bitter sweet that after 6 weeks and 4 hospitals the timing is horrific! Enjoy the helicopter ride and stay well! We will be skyping Mr Ff into the ceremony too!

After that I hauled ass to class- so not motivated and now in the brass monkey being served a crucial pint by my wonderful Friend Kelly- end of a long day at the start of a long week.

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