michigan man

By outdoorguy

New Nest Builder

I heard and saw a red-headed woodpecker in the parking lot of the beach. I went off in hot pursuit. I followed him for 1,2,3,4,5, trees. 5 trees to get 1 shot, but a fine shot it was.

The bonus? While looking up in my chase...I saw nest after nest of small herons. With the zoom lens on...I could see that they were yellow-crowned night herons. They are very quiet, and in various stages of nest-building.

My blip boiled down to the ugliest of Florida birds...the wood stork, or this heron. The night heron won out because I fell in love with the eyes. She had me at "Hello", but when I saw the eye...she really had me.

I'll save the wood stork for another day. It is so ugly...it's endearing.

82 and sunny. Great to see people out and around, including the young ones building sand castles with their mothers.

Click on the large version for a better shot of the eye. Better than a hurricanes.

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