Tonya's Photo Journal

By cameracrazy

Day 3 - Oregon Vacation


*Rain in the morning
*Ate breakfast and then walked to semi-private beach
*Ate Mexian food from La Costa (to go)
*Made Italian sodas
*Rented Rango and Red Riding Hood from Red Box

Today was our first official day that we had to go to the beach. We were so completely bummed to see the rain coming down this morning and with grim faces ate our breakfast. Much to our delight, when afternoon came, so did the sun!!!! Woot woot! We took a walk from the cabin in search of the semi-private beach nearby. We didn't go prepared with suits or anything because it was just an 'exploring' mission initially. We ended up staying most of the afternoon and had such a wonderful time. My how I had missed the beach! The boys jumped in the waves, built a fort, dug in the sand and played to their hearts' content. Gary started reading the Percy Jackson series and I snapped pics galore. Ahhhhhhhhh

We ended the day with takeout Mexican food, me making italian sodas and then all of us piling onto the master bedroom bed to watch Rango. Once the boys nodded off, Gary and I watched the modern version of Red Riding Hood. Beautiful day.

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