
By tpd


Horrible picture, I know. Bear with me...

I develop software for a living and occasionally do mobile apps. I doubt anyone is unfamiliar with the mobile app model now but just in case: there's usually a carrier or vendor 'store' that hosts all of the apps and users can submit their feedback on the app.

I'm doing some symbian development at the moment and needed to check the nokia store yesterday. It's always a nice surprise when you see one of your apps on the landing page of the store!

What is more annoying is when there is feedback that isn't good but that you can't do anything about and isn't your fault (because you developed the app as a sub-contractor). Oh well. The issues have been fixed so all is good...

Geek note: is symbian relevant anymore? Nokia seems to be eeking the last out of symbian by continuing to use it in 'feature phones' in BRIC & Africa but they also seem to have recognized that the camera in the N8 was really very good and are trying to appeal to the niche high-quality photography-with-a-mobile market; at least, that's the only reason I can think of for the launch of the 808.

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