All things Blipable....

By Tina

Child & crocus..

spent a few hours with my sister mandy today.. had a lite lunch at Merkins cafe,which was nice
always good to see Mandy n have a chat x
..and then i trundled into Trowbridge to post a parcel to a friend as its her birthday soon..and then pay a cheque in!

That done..spent a while wandering through the park..wincing at the new modern civic centre..(awful modern building it is!!)
and taking a few pics of the stunning Crocus in flower..

This little girl came up to me..and handed me her stick..*in the foreground.
i gratefully accepted it..then she sat next to me..babbling away..
i continued to take pics of the crocus..and she decided to crawl all over high speed..
made me smile as her Mumma came running..telling herf off *in a foreign language.. but she was definitely being reprimanded!!!

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