Paddington Bear Is My Dad

By vaughan

Home Made No. 1

Shooting a short film Home Made this weekend, so my blips will probably be of that.

Just had a hairy drive over to Glasgow (the weather is shocking tonight folks!) to pick up a camera from Hammerhead TV. I had no idea what camera it would be, so imagine my surprise when I saw this. You are looking at the Sony DSR570 which, I was reliable informed comes in at around £7,000 for the body and another £7,000 for the lens.

No I've had a fair bit of experience with cameras and film-making but this is on another level. I now have about six hours to learn how to use the damn thing...and not an instruction manual in sight!

Have a great weekend whatever you do. PB.

(P.S To all who guessed about Abstract No.1, you were quite right. Next time I'll make it harder.)

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