
By Appreciate

To cheer him up

My poor brother-in-law in the U.S. has had major surgery and is feeling very sorry for himself - but he is such a MAN!! I found this to cheer him up!

Today was World Book Day and I didn't dress up for may reasons, but I had a prop with me at all times...I was Handa. Last night's blip was the makings of her basket with a few changes - a squash for the guava, a plum for the passion fruit, and I borrowed a plastic pineapple from the healthy eating resource box!

It was a fab day with almost all the kids dressed up and all staff dotting from class to class to read. We have been told to "bathe the children's ears" with books and readings - well they were certainly well bathed today.

I'm off to visit the parentals this weekend...

But for now am going to download some Monkees music - :( my childhood hero!!

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