A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal


Whilst unpacking today I was flicking through the little sketchbook that I took with me to Spain and found this little doodle, which I did one night before Corin came out and joined us. Clearly I was feeling a little lovesick!

So, we got home last night. It was a good flight and the landing was perfect - no bumps or anything.

Slept like a log - which was nice as I haven't slept well in the whole time I have been in Spain - lumpy mattress and soft pillows - am used to my memory foam mattress! Spoiled.

Been in work for 4 hours today - preparation for the GCSE results coming out tomorrow. Fingers and toes crossed, as I would very much like to be the bringer of good news to my colleagues and be in a position to stick two fingers up in the air to the likes of Gordon Brown, Ed Balls and other such numpties who label us!!!

Have been back blipping during the holiday, but the blips started here.

Thank you to everyone who has already looked at them - there are a couple of corkers! I promise I will catch up on goings on over the weekend, after the results from school have all been sorted out!

Links to some street photography stuff will be in my blip tomorrow as I am waiting for the 8GB of photos (2395 of them) to transfer over onto my computer from my laptop!

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