In my dreams I can fly if it takes my fancy
There's a two tailed talking dog called Clancy
He plays Flamenco guitar and tells tall dog tales
Of giant clockwork cats with ears like sails

In my dreams I live in a house made of cheese
Blow bubblegum bubbles with effortless ease
So big that they lift me up-up in the air
Did I mention that Clancy has electric blue hair?

In my dreams time is measured by dandelion clocks
There are NO spiders and NO odd socks
There's Doris the mermaid, she sings Aerosmith songs
Then eat anchovy ice cream and egg foo yong

In my dreams there are many magical things
Bright yellow dragons with duffle coat wings
Corkscrew daisies that grow fifteen feet high
Clancy likes them.... You can understand why

In my dreams many things transmogrify
But they ARE only dreams, so can YOU tell me why
When I wake and Clancy is no longer there
Does my pillow have strands of electric blue hair?

Carole Bone

Dream On.........

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