MGMT - Electric Feel

Started the day off by a nice early morning phone call telling me our van had been broken into (again). Luckily this time they just smashed the window and took the GPS unit. Kind of funny that less than 2 feet behind them (although in a locked cage) was about $30,000 worth of stuff, and all they got was a GPS that cost me $200 (new) a year ago. So what will that get him at a pawn shop, $30 or $40? That's just the type of area our warehouse is in.

The neighbors have cameras that watch our place so I can at least see if it was the local kids or some junkie, but I'll deal with that later. It really isn't that big of an inconvenience, just set Matt back about 2 hours on time. Then I got even MORE stuff done at work that I had been procrastinating on - thank god! I love reconciling old accounts sometimes because I magically find all this money that our customers seemed to have forgotten that they owed us (how convenient). I always love calling them, them being in denial, then a fax, then 2 weeks later I get a check which at that point is like free money.

Worked out, did laundry, dishes, did some more data entry stuff for myself, and I think that's it... Geez when you type the cliff notes of the day kind of makes you wonder where the time went. Right now I'm on the fence if I should watch Californication or read my book, hmmm, hmmm... I also have a new issue of the economist I'm dying to read - too much entertainment!

My blip is of this flower I saw while waiting for the bus that was aallllll by itself. The sun had a sliver of light that was shining really bright on just that flower. I thought that was neat so I snapped a picture of it.

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